Tag Archives: 21 Seasoning Salute

Kale Chips

Dear Megan,

So those kale chips you made the other night while you were visiting were delish. I know you thought they were a bit soggy but, as we discussed, that could be easily rectified with the convection setting on my oven.

So I made some of my own to see if I could do it, too.. and, admittedly, better. I put the oven on 325 F and laid them on a baking sheet covered in wax paper, added a bit of 21 Seasoning Salute from trader joe’s, and put it in the oven for about 15 minutes.

They came out looking good but they were pretty much vaporized and just crumbled to ash between my fingers. Clearly, I overcooked them. I want to try again. Mum and Dad are coming over tonight for Chicken n’ Ribs BBQ night. I’m going to try and fix them.

I’ll take pictures and let you know how they turn out.

Bon Appétit,


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